Are you currently experiencing uncertainty about your path, your talents, your purpose? You are absolutely not alone, At this unprecedented time on Earth, we are all being offered opportunities to access new levels of our life experience. To step up and express ourselves and even be seen in ways that once may not have been possible.
Uncertainty can be a sign that your higher mind, your soul and higher self is taking the reins for you at this time and guiding you into new territories. I’m calling this process: “Soul Agenda Surrender”.
Next month I am offering Sessions to help you consciously and intentionally join in this Soul Play. When things start to seem less clear to you, and projects; plans and passions which once ignited you are not flowing in the way they once did, it’s not the time to get down on yourself. In fact, it’s a time to celebrate (if you can, bear with me) because you are being given the opportunity to reach higher and experience another spiral on your soul path.
The beauty of our Soul’s path is that it is usually unexpected but when we make the effort to align ourselves with it, the unknown begins to become the new known, things fall into place step by step and we are in the zone of our highest potential. We are surrendered to a higher plan. We allow our higher mind to be the bridge which connects us to the illuminated understandings, passions and wisdom of our soul. Inspired ideas and creative impulses come to us can only be accessed when we are surrendered in trust and not trying to hold onto structure, logic and outcomes.
The logical mind often can’t accept these left of center pathways and so we must drop into our heart space to receive the soul’s agenda. We learn how to discern the messages of our soul. Higher guidance always has an expansive yet grounded and neutral tone to it. When you take the time to be quiet and tune in to your heart to pray for guidance, the feelings or intuitive messages you receive will feel supportive, yet calm.
The higher mind doesn’t have urgency or judgement attachments. We may feel open and excited and expansive, even perhaps a little stretched out of our comfort zone, but also higher guidance comes with a sense of rightness, of knowing that each step will present itself in the right time. It takes a strong, trusting and willing heart to follow the process of surrendering to the path of the soul. This takes application and commitment.
You don’t always know where you are going and you don’t always have to be excited about some of the steps you are being guided to take (not all of the steps to building a dream are glamourous, but building solid foundations for soul success will always be ultimately rewarding and any testing period will be seen for the gift that it is.
If you are feeling called to take another leap into the unknown, to allow for a reset, or even just to connect with your Soul’s plan and blueprint, you may be interested in a Soul Agenda Surrender Session, Soul Agenda Surrender Sessions work with esoteric acupuncture, sacred geometry and sound to align the wisdom of the body, mind and soul. I channel guidance and offer you energetic support to assist you in blossoming into your highest potential.
Love and Light,