The power of prayer

Let’s talk about the beauty and power of crafting a daily prayer practice. It doesn’t matter whether you have been on your path for a long time or consider yourself a beginner, prayer is a wonderful way for you to connect regularly with not only the wisdom and presence of your own soul and higher self, but also with unconditionally loving spiritual guides and beings such as Angels, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and Star Beings.
Often, on our journey as a Soul having a human experience, we come across a situation that we don’t have a logical solution for. This could be anything from birthing our dreams to life in the material world or overwhelm from a challenge which seems insurmountable at times. You may feel blocked from ideas on how to move forward, you may be feeling burnt out, or in the throes of hopeless grief, you may even actually be feeling gratitude for your life.
These are all wonderful reasons to craft your own prayer practice. In fact, expressing gratitude for your wins, or moments of joy and contentment makes you even more magnetic to more blessings, so it’s a good idea to remember prayers of thanks are just as powerful as prayers for assistance. So, how do we craft a personal prayer practice? It’s something you can add to your daily life and it can be so simple. We don’t need to use special or ornate language, merely a sincere heartfelt request for assistance is enough to trigger a response of loving support from the Universe. In surrendering to higher will, we get out of our own way, our thoughts about how things should turn our, or our grief over the helplessness that can arise when things don’t seem to be going to plan dissolves and we can trust life more. It is so important to remember to empower the divine to help us through the use of our free will to make a request from our heart.
The Practice –
Start by finding a quiet space and intending to make a connection with your heart. You can place a hand over the centre of your chest (your heart chakra) and imagine you can breathe into your heart for a moment. Then imagine or intend that a pillar of pure white light surrounds you and connects you deep into the heart of the earth and also way up into the heart of the universe. It can be very powerful to sense into or imagine your own light wings extending from your heart centre out through your shoulder blades, left and right.
You may also like to invoke the Archangels to support your prayer process or a divine being such as Mother Mary Buddah or Green Tara. Take a few slow breaths and then silently or aloud state your intention to ask for assistance. For example: “I call upon the unconditionally loving Universe to assist and support me in all ways, empowering my journey and blessing my path” Then simply speak from your heart, as if to a trusted and beloved friend, your desires or your fears. Allow yourself to be heard and received by Divine Light.
When you have finished, take a moment to breathe and open your senses, along with your heart to listen for any guidance or receive any supportive energies into your body, mind and energy fields. Even if you don’t think you have received a reply, just understand that all prayers are heard and the Universe wants you to live the life you were born to live.
In praying, we are not trying to control outcomes, we simply want the assistance to create the best and most helpful circumstances so that we can achieve our purpose and live the life that our Soul wants for us. Answers and support are always available as we train ourselves to open our viewpoint and receive them. The very nature of prayer when conceived from a pure heart is to bring healing and benefits not just to us the individual, but to all people and the whole of the earth. In this way, blessings are not limited and when we offer them to the “all”, it exponentially increases what we can personally receive.
Creating a personal relationship with the divine will help you to find comfort in difficult times and also deepen the beauty of your life path. May you be inspired from my suggestions to craft your own prayer practice, simple is always the best and the words will flow from your own heart. Adding prayer to your day brings so much peace and support.
Love and Light, Laura
The power of letting go

A big part of the Human experience is learning how to navigate change. Although we are all part of the natural world and as such, we are subject to its cycles and laws, we often meet with inner resistance to the process of change in our lives.
Years ago, in some of my workshops, I used to share an old Zen story about two monks making a journey from their Monastery to another one high in the mountains. In order to begin the journey, they first had to cross a raging wide river and so set about building a wooden raft to cross safely.
It took them quite a while to make the raft steady but eventually, they were able to cross the river and make it unharmed to the other side. Once there, they saw that the next part of the only path forwards climbed high up a steep and rocky slope. The older and more experienced of the two Monks said a prayer of thanks to the wooden vessel and began the steep climb.
The novice hung back and when the Master asked what was wrong, the novice said “We expended so much effort on making this raft, I don’t want to leave it here to be ruined or perhaps, stolen” He then proceeded to pick up the raft and lug it up the side of the mountain. He sweated and cried out in frustration several times but finally made it to the top where his teacher was waiting, peacefully watching the sun go down. The novice was actually a bit irritated to see this and being unable to hide his feelings he blurted out “Master, why didn’t you help me to carry the raft? It was heavy and I nearly dropped it many times. Your help would have made the journey easier” The Monk smiled and said kindly “I don’t carry with me what no longer serves me. This creates burdens which slow us down from seeing the beauty around us. Instead, I hold gratitude in my heart for what helps me forwards on the path” and the monk gestured to the setting sun in front of them. “Come and enjoy this vision” he suggested to the novice “You have laboured much and are in need of a rest and look – see there? The monastery is only a short walk from here. We have arrived”.
I love this story because it so aptly sums up the way our ego screams in frustration and yet our heart peacefully seeks the beauty in the moment of allowing things to pass naturally instead of trying to grasp onto them. This applies to things that we label as good and bad. If we hold on too tightly to anything we can restrict it and often cause ourselves pain unwittingly.
Have you ever caught yourself sensing or experiencing change and immediately tensing up at the prospect of it? This is natural in a way but it’s more helpful to be able to breathe and go beyond the initial fight or flight response. In surrendering to what is, to the loss or the change, we actually open ourselves up to the solution or to the new experience which is seeking to find us.
“When nothing is sure, everything is possible”
I had this quote in my journal many years ago from English novelist Margaret Drabble and there is a kind of magic to these words. It allows you to be with the fear or resistance. There’s no way to rush through your own process, but it’s good to be able to support yourself by even imagining for a second that what has been lost has served it’s purpose and perhaps what the new offers will be something wonderful.
I have personally found that hope is always the best option in any circumstance. I have also supported many clients through huge life-changing events and even just the stress of making a career pivot. We are always so much stronger than we think, and the power of our heart is beyond the understanding of our mind.
The heart is an energy field which extends so far from our body and connects us to the Divine and our own inner wisdom so that we can weather any storm and come out the other side to watch the Sun rising or setting in it’s natural order. This is a comfort and a personal process and remember, you are not alone in this. We all suffer, and experience change and loss.
There is another quote which I copied out many years ago and it’s from another novelist and I will paraphrase it here “Life breaks us all, but afterwards, many are strong at the broken places” Ernest Hemingway
Love and Light,
The cracks are what let in the light…

We are all beings of light, yet still subject to organic cycles and laws in the material realm, so we are constantly evolving spiritually and physically. What does this mean for us in the world today? Being human, or rather, a soul having a human experience is going to bring pain, joy, beauty and challenge. If we can learn how to accept our “battle scars” with love and wisdom, we open a pathway to freedom and more uninhibited self-expression in the world.
We are more of who we came to be, our authentic light. This is exactly what is needed here on Earth at this time – A huge tribe of conscious individuals who join together for common purpose and whose differences make a whole of unity and compassion.
Sound like a big task? well, it’s happening now. Earth is in her Ascension and all of our Soul’s knew exactly what circumstances would benefit our individual and collective growth. The things that make you all of who you are, the ways in which you have overcome challenges are what can seed new growth and allow your perceived imperfections to become the jewels of the crown of your own spiritual sovereignty. You have the potential to become a living work of art.
There are different spiritual schools of thought which use the metaphor of pottery as a tale to describe the unique essence of each being. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing pottery which has been broken with powdered gold. It means “to join with gold”. The principal is a reminder that we can honour our seeming flaws as beautiful and a part of our journey. It also ascribes to a belief that staying optimistic about the future and looking for even the smallest signs of progress can help you through tough times. Even if at first, you have to pretend that you have any faith at all. Often, we only come to understand our full potential through challenges. When we are left with the “broken pieces” of ourselves, we have the potential to allow the birth of something new in our life.
There is a Zen philosophy that cracks are what let in the light. Or, you may have heard this another way from two famous ‘misfits” “Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light” Groucho Marx and “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen: What does it all mean though? That there is perfection in our imperfections. Nothing is perfect. Don’t ever try to be a copy of someone else, you won’t be doing yourself, or our world any favours.
There can be a gift in these times of current uncertainty. It’s an opportunity to create new ways of thinking, being and living in the world. How could the changes currently happening in our world also be working in conjunction with your soul, presenting you with new opportunities and perspectives? Your essence attracts what you need. Let go of defenses and be you as you are.
Some helpful self-reflection questions to ask yourself are:
What is my seed of purpose?
What is the gift in my perceived “flaw”?
Keep flowing as best you can in these intense times. There is a (higher) purpose to all of the madness. Stay gentle and observant. I am offering Esoteric Acupuncture sessions focusing on the connecting crown and heart chakras this month. We harness the energy of universal light to bathe our visions for a better world and to help manifest out heart’s truths and passions in a tangible way.
Love and Light,
The art of the vulnerable heart.

Earlier this year, during my research into Goddess Mythology and practical applications of this wisdom in our current world, I came across a little-known Hindu Goddess called ‘Akhilanda’ (Her Full Name is Akhilandaeshvari which essentially translates as “”never not broken” or “always broken”, Goddess.) She helps us to find the beauty in our seeming imperfections and to aid us in any transitions we are experiencing, where we may grieve the loss of a situation, or even aspect of self, or an unrealised dream.
Akhilanda can assist us in becoming more vulnerable so that we can release attachment to our expectations of life and ourselves and turn our suffering into the fuel that fires our transformation into our highest soul aspect. She is the wisdom in remaining witness to any pain within so that gifts can be excavated from it. She encourages us to stop turning away from our fears and to embrace them as teachers.
So, what is the art of vulnerability? Up to this point, our world has not been very good at honouring the beauty, wisdom and healing inherent in vulnerability. It’s either seen as something to be ashamed of, or it is used a ‘badge” by those who think it’s an opportunity to simply dump all of their emotions and thoughts on others. This is quite a negativity of extremes and not the true essence of vulnerability.
Vulnerability to me, is deep strength and it means being real and present to the situation you are in, it also equals creativity to me. The artist doesn’t know what the art will be exactly, they are simply expressing a feeling, vision, or idea. They must begin the journey, but they have no map to guide them. Even things that they may have utilised or expressed previously, do not guarantee they know where and how their next artistic expression will come to form.
And so it is with our own individual life path. Vulnerability means giving yourself the chance to “course correct”, if you find that the path you are on (for one reason or another) has dried up in some way for you. You may even be able to see the lessons and blessings in that path, but in order for you to move forward energetically, sometimes you need to move laterally, or even backwards for a time. You must be willing to acknowledge when an ending is occurring for you and not to fear it (too much!).
Personally, the most wonderful things in my life have always come to me unexpectedly and never, ever after careful planning and preparation. In reflection I saw that two of my Blogs from earlier this year have been addressing these themes of vulnerability and endings to allow for new beginnings.
Back in March, I was guided to address this concept in my blog “the cracks are what let in the light”, and just last month I found myself writing about the power of the Phoenix. Big themes that I have worked through personally in order to be able to guide others through now. I find that creatively, I am always lead in spirals and I follow a theme energetically for some time, witnessing patterns emerge within my sessions with clients, my earth healing dedications and my own life and research.
Then there always comes a moment when the particular divine being, who has so obviously been the unseen hand and guide through that particular landscape, will reveal themselves in some way and I have a delightful “a-ha” moment when I connect all of these dots. Which is exactly what happened with Akhilanda and me sitting down now halfway through the year to write my Blog.
I am sharing this to remind you that we each have this divine support around us, weaving threads for our souls to constantly create anew. Even old situations which arise again, have the seeds of the new and a blessing within them. It takes a personal connection to the Divine and your higher guidance to help you make sense of life, but there’s also quite a lot of joy in this odd creation process! I want to leave you with this blessing –
May you feel inspired by the thought of this phoenix energy, of rising from the ashes of the past and of highlighting the beauty of your pain and the lessons you have learnt. May the Divine perhaps in the form of Goddess Akhilanda support your path in all ways which serve the growth and beauty of your soul.
Love and Light,
Surrendering to your Soul Agenda

Are you currently experiencing uncertainty about your path, your talents, your purpose? You are absolutely not alone, At this unprecedented time on Earth, we are all being offered opportunities to access new levels of our life experience. To step up and express ourselves and even be seen in ways that once may not have been possible.
Uncertainty can be a sign that your higher mind, your soul and higher self is taking the reins for you at this time and guiding you into new territories. I’m calling this process: “Soul Agenda Surrender”.
Next month I am offering Sessions to help you consciously and intentionally join in this Soul Play. When things start to seem less clear to you, and projects; plans and passions which once ignited you are not flowing in the way they once did, it’s not the time to get down on yourself. In fact, it’s a time to celebrate (if you can, bear with me) because you are being given the opportunity to reach higher and experience another spiral on your soul path.
The beauty of our Soul’s path is that it is usually unexpected but when we make the effort to align ourselves with it, the unknown begins to become the new known, things fall into place step by step and we are in the zone of our highest potential. We are surrendered to a higher plan. We allow our higher mind to be the bridge which connects us to the illuminated understandings, passions and wisdom of our soul. Inspired ideas and creative impulses come to us can only be accessed when we are surrendered in trust and not trying to hold onto structure, logic and outcomes.
The logical mind often can’t accept these left of center pathways and so we must drop into our heart space to receive the soul’s agenda. We learn how to discern the messages of our soul. Higher guidance always has an expansive yet grounded and neutral tone to it. When you take the time to be quiet and tune in to your heart to pray for guidance, the feelings or intuitive messages you receive will feel supportive, yet calm.
The higher mind doesn’t have urgency or judgement attachments. We may feel open and excited and expansive, even perhaps a little stretched out of our comfort zone, but also higher guidance comes with a sense of rightness, of knowing that each step will present itself in the right time. It takes a strong, trusting and willing heart to follow the process of surrendering to the path of the soul. This takes application and commitment.
You don’t always know where you are going and you don’t always have to be excited about some of the steps you are being guided to take (not all of the steps to building a dream are glamourous, but building solid foundations for soul success will always be ultimately rewarding and any testing period will be seen for the gift that it is.
If you are feeling called to take another leap into the unknown, to allow for a reset, or even just to connect with your Soul’s plan and blueprint, you may be interested in a Soul Agenda Surrender Session, Soul Agenda Surrender Sessions work with esoteric acupuncture, sacred geometry and sound to align the wisdom of the body, mind and soul. I channel guidance and offer you energetic support to assist you in blossoming into your highest potential.
Love and Light,
Sneak Peek at Podcast Season 1 ep 9
If you have been following my new Podcast “10,000 hours…and counting” you may like to have an update for a future theme I will be expounding upon toward the end of Season 1.
This theme is particularly relevant and important at this time on earth and is affecting absolutely everyone, whether they are consciously on their spiritual path or not.
“How do we keep the faith in challenging times?”
I will be addressing this question in episode 9. Season one of 10,000 hours…and counting is 12 weekly episodes long and I will return in 2025 with Season 2. More musings, guidance and support for your spiritual path. A very important path to dedicate oneself to, especially at this unprecedented time here on Earth.
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Sneak Peek at Podcast Season 1 ep 9
The art of the vulnerable heart.

Earlier this year, during my research into Goddess Mythology and practical applications of this wisdom in our current world, I came across a little-known Hindu Goddess called ‘Akhilanda’ (Her Full Name is Akhilandaeshvari which essentially translates as “”never not broken” or “always broken”, Goddess.) She helps us to find the beauty in our seeming imperfections and to aid us in any transitions we are experiencing, where we may grieve the loss of a situation, or even aspect of self, or an unrealised dream.
Akhilanda can assist us in becoming more vulnerable so that we can release attachment to our expectations of life and ourselves and turn our suffering into the fuel that fires our transformation into our highest soul aspect. She is the wisdom in remaining witness to any pain within so that gifts can be excavated from it. She encourages us to stop turning away from our fears and to embrace them as teachers.
So, what is the art of vulnerability? Up to this point, our world has not been very good at honouring the beauty, wisdom and healing inherent in vulnerability. It’s either seen as something to be ashamed of, or it is used a ‘badge” by those who think it’s an opportunity to simply dump all of their emotions and thoughts on others. This is quite a negativity of extremes and not the true essence of vulnerability.
Vulnerability to me, is deep strength and it means being real and present to the situation you are in, it also equals creativity to me. The artist doesn’t know what the art will be exactly, they are simply expressing a feeling, vision, or idea. They must begin the journey, but they have no map to guide them. Even things that they may have utilised or expressed previously, do not guarantee they know where and how their next artistic expression will come to form.
And so it is with our own individual life path. Vulnerability means giving yourself the chance to “course correct”, if you find that the path you are on (for one reason or another) has dried up in some way for you. You may even be able to see the lessons and blessings in that path, but in order for you to move forward energetically, sometimes you need to move laterally, or even backwards for a time. You must be willing to acknowledge when an ending is occurring for you and not to fear it (too much!).
Personally, the most wonderful things in my life have always come to me unexpectedly and never, ever after careful planning and preparation. In reflection I saw that two of my Blogs from earlier this year have been addressing these themes of vulnerability and endings to allow for new beginnings.
Back in March, I was guided to address this concept in my blog “the cracks are what let in the light”, and just last month I found myself writing about the power of the Phoenix. Big themes that I have worked through personally in order to be able to guide others through now. I find that creatively, I am always lead in spirals and I follow a theme energetically for some time, witnessing patterns emerge within my sessions with clients, my earth healing dedications and my own life and research.
Then there always comes a moment when the particular divine being, who has so obviously been the unseen hand and guide through that particular landscape, will reveal themselves in some way and I have a delightful “a-ha” moment when I connect all of these dots. Which is exactly what happened with Akhilanda and me sitting down now halfway through the year to write my Blog.
I am sharing this to remind you that we each have this divine support around us, weaving threads for our souls to constantly create anew. Even old situations which arise again, have the seeds of the new and a blessing within them. It takes a personal connection to the Divine and your higher guidance to help you make sense of life, but there’s also quite a lot of joy in this odd creation process! I want to leave you with this blessing –
May you feel inspired by the thought of this phoenix energy, of rising from the ashes of the past and of highlighting the beauty of your pain and the lessons you have learnt. May the Divine perhaps in the form of Goddess Akhilanda support your path in all ways which serve the growth and beauty of your soul.
Love and Light,
Reframing “Tiredness”

Reframing tiredness, it’s definitely a buzz word on everyone’s lips and I am sure you have your own experience with this new phenomenon. What I would like to suggest is that we look at this in a new way, what is the tiredness signaling to us and how can we work with it and not fight the process? Because it is certainly a process and another piece in the ascension puzzle for all beings of earth.
Whilst it is always a good idea to check in with trusted health professionals, and also be open to making supportive changes to your routine, diet and lifestyle, at this particular time on earth, there is more of a spiritual cause to this tiredness. When we look to nature, once again we receive it’s healing wisdom. At different times in their cycle and during different seasons, Plants will need to redirect their energy away from certain parts and into others at certain growth stages. This enables new life within the plant itself to be manifested at the best time for optimum growth.
As one part of the plant ends it’s cycle, it provides energy for another part to thrive. So, too can we allow aspects of us to take a backseat to the newer frequencies, talents and gifts which we may be accessing now, either consciously or unconsciously.
To have the patience to allow for the integration to occur. We allow a redirection of our soul energy and understand the tiredness is not ‘wrong’, or merely a sign of aging, or that you have even failed in some way. Instead, it is a sign that a lot is more going on at a cellular level, under the surface, and our energy is being used to bring all this into alignment in our physical lives.
Okay, I’m going there; here is the visual for you; Remember Faulks, the phoenix from the Harry Potter films? Right before he bursts into flames – got that image in your head? Are you feeling like that? Well, then remember the glorious sight of Faulks soaring in flight, reborn and take comfort from that! The phoenix actually births itself into their new aspect from the literal ashes of their old self. There is no other way, and it certainly looks messy but looks can be deceiving.
Part of the on-going growth edge then, is how to accept your current energy levels, while you continue to give as much as you can and need to your own process. This enables a discovery of whatever is the purest light filled fuel for you to offer support at this time. In other words, don’t resist, but learn how to fuel yourself during the integration, transformation.
It can be in simple ways, not complex, mundane instead of high falutingin’ “spiritual” methods too! Experiment and don’t push yourself. Without being dramatic about it (woe is me) and giving the ego free reign to run around metaphorically screaming, you could even consider treating yourself a little like an invalid, that is, with gentleness and patience and rest.
So, instead of putting up a façade, try a bit of vulnerability. Don’t feel the need to overly explain yourself or justify your needs if you suddenly have to take a break from your “usual” self. What’s usual anymore, anyway? Just try to quietly and without theatrics (those of you who are naturally inclined this way, try leaning a little the other way ;)) Take the time you need or make the decision that feels best, without oversharing the ‘why’ of it with those around.
It’s also important to remember that you aren’t here to please anyone else, or to be the version of you that they want or expect. You are here to manifest the most authentic version of your soul. To be a part of creating a new world, where everyone can live in harmony and the few don’t dictate what to the many what they must do and how they must live.
We are not obligated to others, but once we are in alignment with our true self, we will naturally be of benefit to all and to the earth herself. Give yourself time and encouragement, and you will move through this process and out the other side.
For those of you wishing to explore supportive energy work and light transmissions, please feel free to contact me for an Esoteric Acupuncture, soul mentoring session. or, have a look at the website.
Love and Light,
Discernment and the very personal process of self-realisation.

2024, the year of the Wood Dragon is continuing to bring in opportunities for new growth and expansion (from the wood element) and also the symbol of the dragon itself, encourages us to embrace our personal power and unique vision, to walk the path of self-mastery which requires us to listen for our own truth. One size doesn’t fit all. Especially when it comes to living your own spiritual path.
One of the downsides to modern life is the easy access to huge amounts of information of all kinds. As human beings we tend to move in quite dramatic pendulum swings as we evolve, so it’s often a case of overload or extremity (many opinions and perspectives abound!) before things settle into a more accepted and balanced form.
The overload or processing stage can be quite loud, messy and tiring but so far, it’s been the way we make progress (and I am always all for actual progress!). Only twenty years ago you may have found it difficult to discuss your use of crystals or understanding of astrology with others without being considered a bit “out there”. Now, according to your social media feed (and please pause just consider that for a moment; what exactly are you being fed and also how much of your interests can you really digest at one time?)
According to this personalised steam of information, you can hear many, many
voices online sharing all manner of spiritual, planetary and astrological information plus much more. This is amazing and needed in many ways, but it can also be overwhelming. (Even if it’s not your feed, the spiritual cat is certainly out of the proverbial bag, baby. Afterall, it’s 2024, not 1994).
Even though, for example, many astrological events and portals and movements happen annually, we are currently experiencing a, increase in powerful and transformational energies at this particular unprecedented time on earth. So, while it’s extremely helpful to have a measuring stick for these personal and collective happenings, it’s important to ensure you are actually feeling helped and not hindered by the news around such events.
Perhaps the current moon cycle doesn’t affect you in the way it may another. Did you even forget that another mercury retrograde was happening, for example? This may be because your higher guidance is trying to get you the message that you just don’t need to absorb and assimilate every single piece of information.
Controversial? Maybe, but consider how fractured your awareness can become when your attention is split among too many practices, prayers and passions. Could you be creating much support for your own growth and integration process with a little more space and less information from outside sources? Let what you need to know drop into your awareness (or off a bookshelf perhaps! It’s been known to happen for me certainly!). Specificity and unique “soul prescriptive medicine” are important themes right now. Trust that you will be guided to what has resonance for you at any given time. You can also certainly pray for the assistance to align with only that which will best serve your growth at any one time.
Focus on what is bringing you the most peace and or understanding in each moment. This will change of course and the deeper you walk in your path of self-exploration and service to the light, the more you may find you require more personalised ways to engage with spiritual energy. What works for another may not work for you and this is totally fine and completely natural! Individuation is blossoming within and around us.
This is the precursor to the unfolding unity consciousness we are currently birthing on Earth. True Unity necessitates the need for the empowerment of the individual. As each of us embodies our true essence, our full and glorious multi-dimensional self, we become able to accept others more readily. Space and opportunity is created for people to shine in the way their soul best requires. Rather than a community of individuals being something unworkable (like herding a group of cats), we begin to find resonance in our differences and beauty in the way we can live and create with each other.
What I would urge you to consider right now (whether you are new to your path or a seasoned traveller of that road, once less travelled, now quite a popular destination) is to be selective and discerning about how much information you take it. Energetically and physically on a cellular level, humanity is being transformed.
We have left behind the old carbon-based structures which had their limitations and are vibing now with a more crystalline frequency. This crystalline frequency attunes to higher vibrations and for those who feel deeply connected to the star realms (and perhaps wish to return there at times), this new frequency arising in all of us and earth herself, may provide comfort and a sense of deeper belonging to earth and purpose for your life.
It’s been a long time coming, but you simply cannot rush divine timing (and this I know to be true from my own personal experience!). Moving from one way of being, existing and relating in the world can be very taxing on the human system. You may be finding new parts of yourself coming into your current awareness. in such times it can aid you to “Disconnect to connect”.
Create some space or pockets of time where you can shut out the extra stimulus, the reports, opinions and just be with your breath, with an intention to connect to your own heart field. Those upper chakras are quite busy right now assimilating and integrating both the planetary cosmic collective energies and also your own personal blueprint.
Let those dragon frequencies of seeking deeper spiritual truth and standing in your true power guide your path as we move closer to the halfway point of this auspicious and unprecedented year on Earth and as always, if you are looking for ways to support your immune system, body and heart and energy fields in this time of great change, you night feel guided to explore my online Esoteric Acupuncture and Light Radiance mentoring sessions.
Love and Light,
The cracks are what let in the light…

We are all beings of light, yet still subject to organic cycles and laws in the material realm, so we are constantly evolving spiritually and physically. What does this mean for us in the world today? Being human, or rather, a soul having a human experience is going to bring pain, joy, beauty and challenge. If we can learn how to accept our “battle scars” with love and wisdom, we open a pathway to freedom and more uninhibited self-expression in the world.
We are more of who we came to be, our authentic light. This is exactly what is needed here on Earth at this time – A huge tribe of conscious individuals who join together for common purpose and whose differences make a whole of unity and compassion.
Sound like a big task? well, it’s happening now. Earth is in her Ascension and all of our Soul’s knew exactly what circumstances would benefit our individual and collective growth. The things that make you all of who you are, the ways in which you have overcome challenges are what can seed new growth and allow your perceived imperfections to become the jewels of the crown of your own spiritual sovereignty. You have the potential to become a living work of art.
There are different spiritual schools of thought which use the metaphor of pottery as a tale to describe the unique essence of each being. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing pottery which has been broken with powdered gold. It means “to join with gold”. The principal is a reminder that we can honour our seeming flaws as beautiful and a part of our journey. It also ascribes to a belief that staying optimistic about the future and looking for even the smallest signs of progress can help you through tough times. Even if at first, you have to pretend that you have any faith at all. Often, we only come to understand our full potential through challenges. When we are left with the “broken pieces” of ourselves, we have the potential to allow the birth of something new in our life.
There is a Zen philosophy that cracks are what let in the light. Or, you may have heard this another way from two famous ‘misfits” “Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light” Groucho Marx and “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen: What does it all mean though? That there is perfection in our imperfections. Nothing is perfect. Don’t ever try to be a copy of someone else, you won’t be doing yourself, or our world any favours.
There can be a gift in these times of current uncertainty. It’s an opportunity to create new ways of thinking, being and living in the world. How could the changes currently happening in our world also be working in conjunction with your soul, presenting you with new opportunities and perspectives? Your essence attracts what you need. Let go of defenses and be you as you are.
Some helpful self-reflection questions to ask yourself are:
What is my seed of purpose?
What is the gift in my perceived “flaw”?
Keep flowing as best you can in these intense times. There is a (higher) purpose to all of the madness. Stay gentle and observant. I am offering Esoteric Acupuncture sessions focusing on the connecting crown and heart chakras this month. We harness the energy of universal light to bathe our visions for a better world and to help manifest out heart’s truths and passions in a tangible way.
Love and Light,
Crafting your year: Divine Feminine wisdom and timing.

First of all, let me say; How can it already be late January 2024?! But of course, time is speeding up as Earth and her/our Ascencion process continues. We are (re) learning every week, month and year how to ride these waves of energy. So here we are, and even encompassing a holiday break, I already have some client based and personal themes to share from this month, which I hope will inspire and comfort you.
Purpose, not achievement.
January is usually a big time for people spruiking and sprouting much advice on goal and intention setting. I personally find it more helpful to drop into a frequency or feeling state with my intentions.
Here are some of the questions that arose for me personally, as I opened to the year and also from a few client sessions I offered over the last two weeks. You may find it healing and helpful to see if some of these apply for you or inspire you to create your own frequency led intentions.
How can I honour my path by crafting intentions that are less goal oriented, and more frequency focused?
What type of feeling state do I wish to be in as this year unfolds?
Where can I see opportunities for growth in the places I feel broken? Is it really true that if you are not manifesting things in the way that you intend or expect that you are actually failing at manifestation?
If we agree that life is not a linear journey, but in fact a spiraling path, then it becomes clear that we don’t have to accumulate achievements and things in an A.B.C fashion. For someone people, manifesting is as easy as this, but for many others it’s different process of slower accumulation, small wins and then a retrospective understanding of personal success.
So, remember to be aware that your own intentions and affirmations are powerful for you when you personalise them and feel them for yourself. The Power of words spoken out loud “Out loud” meaning in sacred space alone and between you and the Universe.
It’s not always possible or even helpful to speak certain things aloud to another person. Words hold power, oh yes, and sometimes the best thing you can do is offer your words to the universe. Some people call this prayer. Are there any words you could speak in private, from your heart that would bring you and others around you healing, closure or upliftment at this time?
Are these helpful or inspiring to your heart?
I forgive you; Please Forgive me; May Grace overlight you (her / him / them / this situation) May Peace be present in all hearts; I ask for the highest outcome for all in (this situation)
Gift yourself some space to craft a few statements of your own. You may be surprised by the healing vibration that you feel from this exercise.
The Animal Messenger for January = The Slug.
The wisdom of Slug is that of Change. It aligns us with the cycles of life birth, death, rebirth. It reminds us as it is a creature influenced by lunar energies, so too are we all.
Change is the constant in life and can be witnessed each month by the waxing and waning Moon. Resurgence is another message of the slug. Slug is slow and steady, it follows its own timing, and it keeps moving inexorably onwards. Keep on going as long as it takes you to get “there”. Don’t discount the seemingly small changes, even if they appear infinitesimal.
All change begins within, this is true for all things governed by the laws of nature. Much change can take place beyond the naked eye. Especially at this time, where we are evolving at a cellular level, don’t necessarily expect the changes occurring in your life to to big or bold. If they are, then also give yourself permission to trust in and ride that wave.
You won’t be given more than you can handle but you may very well be stretched by your inner and outer circumstances. Remember that our personality mind and identity can be quite fearful and judgemental whereas our Soul rejoices in the challenge that assists us in becoming more of our unique essence. we overcome, we shine, we radiate.
This is the path. Gather your resources. As we wind down the month of January, look for opportunities to fill your own cup. Align your frequency with the positive, uplifting and inspiring energy of Aquarius season. Review your personal spiritual practices and look for ways to streamline these so that you are not pushing yourself or feeling burdened by your regular practice.
Perhaps it time for a refresh and an upgrade? See if you can tap into an Aquarian inspired way of being, which is connected to our Star heritage. This energy is immediate, instant, ancient and wise, it is beyond linear time and measured with light, sound, colour, frequency.
Ask yourself: How can I simplify and hone my spiritual practice? We All can benefit from the Aquarian visionary humanitarian, quirky qualities.
How can you re-vision your path? What “out of left field” actions and beliefs can you explore? How can creativity become your mantra and experience of life during this year?
Let’s all vision new ways of being, personally, collectively, globally, universally. It’s time. Choose what resonates for you, the words, affirmations, experiences and feelings you wish to explore.
Remember, someone else’s affirmations may not be tailored for you, so feel free to experiment! That’s why I offer my sessions with the intention that the client receive a transmission and intention that any energy from that session seed itself in the life of the client for their empowerment and highest good and that energy will become theirs so it lasts, transforms and assists them long after a session is over.
My wishes for you this year May you be Empowered in all ways, receive the Support you need to craft a Clear vision for your life and the world and See yourself and others through the eyes of love.
With Love and Light,