Reframing tiredness, it’s definitely a buzz word on everyone’s lips and I am sure you have your own experience with this new phenomenon. What I would like to suggest is that we look at this in a new way, what is the tiredness signaling to us and how can we work with it and not fight the process? Because it is certainly a process and another piece in the ascension puzzle for all beings of earth.
Whilst it is always a good idea to check in with trusted health professionals, and also be open to making supportive changes to your routine, diet and lifestyle, at this particular time on earth, there is more of a spiritual cause to this tiredness. When we look to nature, once again we receive it’s healing wisdom. At different times in their cycle and during different seasons, Plants will need to redirect their energy away from certain parts and into others at certain growth stages. This enables new life within the plant itself to be manifested at the best time for optimum growth.
As one part of the plant ends it’s cycle, it provides energy for another part to thrive. So, too can we allow aspects of us to take a backseat to the newer frequencies, talents and gifts which we may be accessing now, either consciously or unconsciously.
To have the patience to allow for the integration to occur. We allow a redirection of our soul energy and understand the tiredness is not ‘wrong’, or merely a sign of aging, or that you have even failed in some way. Instead, it is a sign that a lot is more going on at a cellular level, under the surface, and our energy is being used to bring all this into alignment in our physical lives.
Okay, I’m going there; here is the visual for you; Remember Faulks, the phoenix from the Harry Potter films? Right before he bursts into flames – got that image in your head? Are you feeling like that? Well, then remember the glorious sight of Faulks soaring in flight, reborn and take comfort from that! The phoenix actually births itself into their new aspect from the literal ashes of their old self. There is no other way, and it certainly looks messy but looks can be deceiving.
Part of the on-going growth edge then, is how to accept your current energy levels, while you continue to give as much as you can and need to your own process. This enables a discovery of whatever is the purest light filled fuel for you to offer support at this time. In other words, don’t resist, but learn how to fuel yourself during the integration, transformation.
It can be in simple ways, not complex, mundane instead of high falutingin’ “spiritual” methods too! Experiment and don’t push yourself. Without being dramatic about it (woe is me) and giving the ego free reign to run around metaphorically screaming, you could even consider treating yourself a little like an invalid, that is, with gentleness and patience and rest.
So, instead of putting up a façade, try a bit of vulnerability. Don’t feel the need to overly explain yourself or justify your needs if you suddenly have to take a break from your “usual” self. What’s usual anymore, anyway? Just try to quietly and without theatrics (those of you who are naturally inclined this way, try leaning a little the other way ;)) Take the time you need or make the decision that feels best, without oversharing the ‘why’ of it with those around.
It’s also important to remember that you aren’t here to please anyone else, or to be the version of you that they want or expect. You are here to manifest the most authentic version of your soul. To be a part of creating a new world, where everyone can live in harmony and the few don’t dictate what to the many what they must do and how they must live.
We are not obligated to others, but once we are in alignment with our true self, we will naturally be of benefit to all and to the earth herself. Give yourself time and encouragement, and you will move through this process and out the other side.
For those of you wishing to explore supportive energy work and light transmissions, please feel free to contact me for an Esoteric Acupuncture, soul mentoring session. or, have a look at the website.
Love and Light,