We are all beings of light, yet still subject to organic cycles and laws in the material realm, so we are constantly evolving spiritually and physically. What does this mean for us in the world today? Being human, or rather, a soul having a human experience is going to bring pain, joy, beauty and challenge. If we can learn how to accept our “battle scars” with love and wisdom, we open a pathway to freedom and more uninhibited self-expression in the world.
We are more of who we came to be, our authentic light. This is exactly what is needed here on Earth at this time – A huge tribe of conscious individuals who join together for common purpose and whose differences make a whole of unity and compassion.
Sound like a big task? well, it’s happening now. Earth is in her Ascension and all of our Soul’s knew exactly what circumstances would benefit our individual and collective growth. The things that make you all of who you are, the ways in which you have overcome challenges are what can seed new growth and allow your perceived imperfections to become the jewels of the crown of your own spiritual sovereignty. You have the potential to become a living work of art.
There are different spiritual schools of thought which use the metaphor of pottery as a tale to describe the unique essence of each being. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing pottery which has been broken with powdered gold. It means “to join with gold”. The principal is a reminder that we can honour our seeming flaws as beautiful and a part of our journey. It also ascribes to a belief that staying optimistic about the future and looking for even the smallest signs of progress can help you through tough times. Even if at first, you have to pretend that you have any faith at all. Often, we only come to understand our full potential through challenges. When we are left with the “broken pieces” of ourselves, we have the potential to allow the birth of something new in our life.
There is a Zen philosophy that cracks are what let in the light. Or, you may have heard this another way from two famous ‘misfits” “Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light” Groucho Marx and “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” Leonard Cohen: What does it all mean though? That there is perfection in our imperfections. Nothing is perfect. Don’t ever try to be a copy of someone else, you won’t be doing yourself, or our world any favours.
There can be a gift in these times of current uncertainty. It’s an opportunity to create new ways of thinking, being and living in the world. How could the changes currently happening in our world also be working in conjunction with your soul, presenting you with new opportunities and perspectives? Your essence attracts what you need. Let go of defenses and be you as you are.
Some helpful self-reflection questions to ask yourself are:
What is my seed of purpose?
What is the gift in my perceived “flaw”?
Keep flowing as best you can in these intense times. There is a (higher) purpose to all of the madness. Stay gentle and observant. I am offering Esoteric Acupuncture sessions focusing on the connecting crown and heart chakras this month. We harness the energy of universal light to bathe our visions for a better world and to help manifest out heart’s truths and passions in a tangible way.
Love and Light,