First of all, let me say; How can it already be late January 2024?! But of course, time is speeding up as Earth and her/our Ascencion process continues. We are (re) learning every week, month and year how to ride these waves of energy. So here we are, and even encompassing a holiday break, I already have some client based and personal themes to share from this month, which I hope will inspire and comfort you.
Purpose, not achievement.
January is usually a big time for people spruiking and sprouting much advice on goal and intention setting. I personally find it more helpful to drop into a frequency or feeling state with my intentions.
Here are some of the questions that arose for me personally, as I opened to the year and also from a few client sessions I offered over the last two weeks. You may find it healing and helpful to see if some of these apply for you or inspire you to create your own frequency led intentions.
How can I honour my path by crafting intentions that are less goal oriented, and more frequency focused?
What type of feeling state do I wish to be in as this year unfolds?
Where can I see opportunities for growth in the places I feel broken? Is it really true that if you are not manifesting things in the way that you intend or expect that you are actually failing at manifestation?
If we agree that life is not a linear journey, but in fact a spiraling path, then it becomes clear that we don’t have to accumulate achievements and things in an A.B.C fashion. For someone people, manifesting is as easy as this, but for many others it’s different process of slower accumulation, small wins and then a retrospective understanding of personal success.
So, remember to be aware that your own intentions and affirmations are powerful for you when you personalise them and feel them for yourself. The Power of words spoken out loud “Out loud” meaning in sacred space alone and between you and the Universe.
It’s not always possible or even helpful to speak certain things aloud to another person. Words hold power, oh yes, and sometimes the best thing you can do is offer your words to the universe. Some people call this prayer. Are there any words you could speak in private, from your heart that would bring you and others around you healing, closure or upliftment at this time?
Are these helpful or inspiring to your heart?
I forgive you; Please Forgive me; May Grace overlight you (her / him / them / this situation) May Peace be present in all hearts; I ask for the highest outcome for all in (this situation)
Gift yourself some space to craft a few statements of your own. You may be surprised by the healing vibration that you feel from this exercise.
The Animal Messenger for January = The Slug.
The wisdom of Slug is that of Change. It aligns us with the cycles of life birth, death, rebirth. It reminds us as it is a creature influenced by lunar energies, so too are we all.
Change is the constant in life and can be witnessed each month by the waxing and waning Moon. Resurgence is another message of the slug. Slug is slow and steady, it follows its own timing, and it keeps moving inexorably onwards. Keep on going as long as it takes you to get “there”. Don’t discount the seemingly small changes, even if they appear infinitesimal.
All change begins within, this is true for all things governed by the laws of nature. Much change can take place beyond the naked eye. Especially at this time, where we are evolving at a cellular level, don’t necessarily expect the changes occurring in your life to to big or bold. If they are, then also give yourself permission to trust in and ride that wave.
You won’t be given more than you can handle but you may very well be stretched by your inner and outer circumstances. Remember that our personality mind and identity can be quite fearful and judgemental whereas our Soul rejoices in the challenge that assists us in becoming more of our unique essence. we overcome, we shine, we radiate.
This is the path. Gather your resources. As we wind down the month of January, look for opportunities to fill your own cup. Align your frequency with the positive, uplifting and inspiring energy of Aquarius season. Review your personal spiritual practices and look for ways to streamline these so that you are not pushing yourself or feeling burdened by your regular practice.
Perhaps it time for a refresh and an upgrade? See if you can tap into an Aquarian inspired way of being, which is connected to our Star heritage. This energy is immediate, instant, ancient and wise, it is beyond linear time and measured with light, sound, colour, frequency.
Ask yourself: How can I simplify and hone my spiritual practice? We All can benefit from the Aquarian visionary humanitarian, quirky qualities.
How can you re-vision your path? What “out of left field” actions and beliefs can you explore? How can creativity become your mantra and experience of life during this year?
Let’s all vision new ways of being, personally, collectively, globally, universally. It’s time. Choose what resonates for you, the words, affirmations, experiences and feelings you wish to explore.
Remember, someone else’s affirmations may not be tailored for you, so feel free to experiment! That’s why I offer my sessions with the intention that the client receive a transmission and intention that any energy from that session seed itself in the life of the client for their empowerment and highest good and that energy will become theirs so it lasts, transforms and assists them long after a session is over.
My wishes for you this year May you be Empowered in all ways, receive the Support you need to craft a Clear vision for your life and the world and See yourself and others through the eyes of love.
With Love and Light,