How grief can be a creative influence…

Creative energy comes from your Soul. The inspirations and ideas, seeds to plant and dreams to bring to life. Creativity is also a wonderful way to offer yourself some care and time or space as you release expectations and perfectionism and allow yourself to experiment with what moves you in the moment.

When we are focused on our creative process we can also achieve that state of flow which is being in the present moment and it is here from where our future stems. Perhaps you are beginning to sense new creative opportunities and possibilities arising in you and on the horizon of your awareness.

Sometimes, as we being to move out of single experience or way of being, the pull of the past can require that we consciously need to hold an intention to close the door on old projects or even relationships and experiences.  Maybe that poetry project isn’t actually going to become a self-published book, perhaps it was more about helping you navigate a certain time and point on your journey.

Perhaps you don’t have to feel that you failed, if the actual book is not birthed into being for others to enjoy. Maybe a relationship that taught you a lot is ending, you simply can’t seem to get together with that person, things get in the way, dates are continually cancelled.  Is the Universe trying ot tell you something? Even if you know you have moved on physically and even emotionally, there may just be that little bit more you can release in order to free up your energy and allow the new space to come in.

This can require a period of time where old connections are severed energetically, then you need space to allow for recalibration of your system. When space is created by this release, we can’t just plug into something new right away. Wisdom says give it breathing room. Allow yourself to feel into the person you are without that situation or relationship. What would happen if that project was not finished or fully abandoned but evolved to become something else entirely?

The fine distinction here is the willingness to say: ‘this is not what I wanted, this was not my expectation’ and to close the door so you can await new inspiration guidance or direction. You will need to allow grief in whatever form it wants to take to be expressed. Even if your grief is not a huge physical loss or big issue such as a death, a move, a loss of a job or a divorce, you must honour it and be willing to release old projects; dreams and memories or expectations from yourself so you can move into your future, free. 

How can you honor your feelings of grief or disappointment?  It’s important that you do so even if just for a moment. You don’t even need to know exactly what you are grieving but just be open to asking yourself where in my body do I feel tightness or some kind of constriction? Am I willing to stop judging myself for perceived failures or bad decisions and instead affirming that you did your best in the circumstances, and you have moved on.

This is where receiving an energy work session might really help you to clear up old pathways and make space for manifesting new ones. In Esoteric Acupuncture we work with the meridians of the body but also the points which anchor body and soul and allow us to connect not only to our higher mind but also to higher guidance and Universal consciousness. 

An Esoteric Acupuncture pattern, once set in session, continues to energetically support you and build a framework of light and physical matter harmonising body, mind and soul.   We bring more light to the physical, and this allows you to be both more grounded and present to your daily life. whilst also opening a window to all of your soul potential and lighting up your keys and codes so that you can fully step into your life purpose and soul mission.

Give yourself time to focus on what needs to be released so that new dreams, visions and opportunities can come to fruition for you.

Love and Light,


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