Light Radiance Mentoring Session

Working with frequencies of light and divine wisdom, I channel healing transmissions of crystalline star energy and guidance from your higher self and the higher spiritual realms such as the Angels, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and Star Beings to offer you clarity, support and insights on your path.
You will receive one or more Esoteric Acupuncture patterns depending on your energy needs at the time. This modality harmonises the body, mind and energetic fields including the chakra system. Receiving an Esoteric Acupuncture treatment is a way to water the seeds of your soul path, expand your consciousness and assist you in understanding more of your path and purpose.
It’s a safe space to be open and allow yourself to be seen and held by divine light. I reflect to you the truth and beauty of your soul path, helping you craft a journey of peace, wisdom, understanding and joy. If you are someone who offers much support to others (professionally, or energetically) or are a “changemaker” wishing to offer new ways or systems for living, healing and co-operating as a human on earth, I am deeply committed to and honoured by the opportunity to support the unfoldment of 5D consciousness through you.

Esoteric Acupuncture Session – Bridging Heaven and Earth

A stand-alone 1-hour Esoteric Acupuncture treatment, empowers you by unlocking or decoding wisdom stored in your cellular and energetic body. It harmonises your chi (life force energy) and balances your chakras (the energy centres which run along your spine and affect your organs, mind and intellect regulate the energy of the body and connect your system (physical, spiritual mental and energetic) to your environment, esoteric acupuncture attunes you to more of your soul essence.

Esoteric Acupuncture is the spiritual  side of acupuncture. The spiritual intelligence of this modality means the energy does exactly what it needs to do on all levels (physical, multi-dimensional etc.) and the session is always energetically encapsulated for the highest good of the client. 

These sessions assist in bringing more of your soul light, wisdom and talents into your material world. Working with heart field wisdom to balance all of the body, including the immune system and energy fields attuning you to all higher aspects of self and your connection to the Universal heart using sacred geometry, sound and light to bring alignment and well-being on all levels and all fields.

30 minute Esoteric Acupuncture Session

Esoteric Acupuncture Short Treatment – 30-minutes

These sessions can be booked at any time after you have received an initial session

These treatments harmonise the vibration of both the physical etheric and emotional levels of consciousness, so these levels can activate and bring into alignment, the consciousness required to stay intimately connected with your own “Heart Note” frequency

 Helps bring you into alignment with your own Spiritual Heart centre and triggers an awakening into expanded consciousness.  This can assist you navigating through life more smoothly.

The treatment can boost and strengthen your immune system. Which is why I offer physical, emotional and spiritual “tune up” sessions for 30 minutes after you have received an initial light radiance mentoring or 1-hour Esoteric acupuncture session.


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