Light Radiance Sessions



I have been offering my light and support for over twenty years to clients in all walks of life and all around the world. Anyone who wishes to connect their true path, find the puzzle piece, deepen awareness of their soul light. Anyone who desires to create or build new systems and ways of being as a human, new systems and structres to share with others. Those who are birthing the new, the visionaries, dreamers and healers paving the way to the golden future for Earth and all of us.

If this is you, I can support you, hold the space for transformation and soul alchemy to lift you up into the frequency that best assists you on the journey at whatever point of your path you are at.

How do I do this?

Through energy and vocal transmissions. As a Taurean sun sign with Aquarius rising, I work with my voice as powerful tool of Universal light codes and “Lovelight” energy. I channel higher guidance and vibrations, crafting an individual essence tailored to your soul note.

I offer guidance from the realms of Angels, the Ascended Masters and Goddesses. I also connect deeply with the crystal kingdom devas, working with your whole system, the energy fields, the higher mind and heart and bringing you into alignment with your soul and its purpose.

I use tools of light and spiritual technology including the Selenite Swords of light and other healing devices of sacred symbolism and divine energy to craft a session tailored to your energy.

Esoteric Acupuncture patterns help to align you with your own spiritual heart center and assist in awakening you to higher states of expanded consciousness, these sessions also help harmonise the body, mind and soul.

Working in Sacred Space Online

I run all of my sessions online.

There is a certain magic in this form of connection. In my experience, it is a sacred space between my heart and the client’s heart, crafted with energy and loving intention.  Spiritual energy is wise and intelligent, it travels where needed through time and space. Working in this way also enables me to connect with clients around the globe and in sharing the light online, it assists in raising the consciousness of all beings on Earth. There is always a ripple effect of blessings when we work with spiritual energies. If you have never received an online session before, I welcome you to experience one in my sacred healing space online

If you are a seeker on your path...

I also work with many people who are practitioners of spiritual modalities, or who have been on their path as a seeker for many years.  


Your inner seeker has its own personal map and mission and this is a constant, it never falters. The essence of who you are is always the same, the challenge in human life is to allow the space to uncover this authentic “you” and shield and strengthen this self from outside influences until you are strong enough to be unshaken by eternal forces and to have then wisdom to be connected to your inner voice at all times.


We all have our own soul note, a frequency which emanates from us more and more powerfully as we understand and express our truths. It is this frequency which, like levels in a video game, unlocks stages of the path for us as we are ready and in divine timing.


It’s so empowering and valuable to know that many times we may not even feel ready for the invitation life offers us but you can be sure if it is offered repeatedly, you are much more ready than you believe.


I am here to help you feel into this truth and support you in making these big or small leaps into your own magnificence. It’s your time to shine and be all of who you are!

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