How being an Individual supports the Collective

We find ourselves now at a time on Earth when we have been propelled out of a more fear-based society and into a heart-centered one. This can be quite discombobulating for us because maybe we are sensing the rise of our own unique voice and vision, but we can also remember times in the past when conformity was encouraged for the safety of the group. 

We no longer live in such a survival mode but the stigma of having an alternative viewpoint even in a world of so many views can be great. The spiritual truth of honoring the individual is that we empower ourselves through our differences and then come together to create change. 

People who follow their own rhythms are the change-makers and visionaries, who may be on the fringes of the norm, but how can true change occur if we simply follow the pathways already laid out for us by those that came before? If you look back at history, there are always those who we can see now were ‘ahead of their time.’ The artists, writers, mystics and even business people who had ideas which were not always understood in their lifetime but which they were compelled to follow none the less and which have become important and inspirational to many people today.

So many of us have the seeds of the unconventional idea or dream inside already but we may have taken on societal norms that make us question the worth of these ideas.  Do you ever find yourself wondering if there is truly a place for your voice? Perhaps it seems as though others have already laid foundations and your offering or dream would merely be treading a path and not forging new terrain.   The voice of our inner critic can be louder sometimes than the wisdom of our heart and it takes practice and application to gently take the reins from your mind and hand them over to your heart…but it can be done!  

When the collective consciousness of humanity begins to recognise the value in the individual (as it is beginning to do now), we can start to truly join together in community and be in unity whilst honouring our differences and finding creative and unusual solutions.  Not everyone is a leader or visionary, but there are builders and carers; artists, and those who speak for the voiceless…all of us with important roles, and all are unique – there is no one who can offer the exact gift that you have – only you.

So many of us crave the company of like-minded community.  If we wish to create these spaces, then it is essential that we keep our voice unique, we stay curious and open to others’ points of view, but we use discernment in how, where, and with whom we spend our time and share our light.

Light Radiance is my personal offering to Earth, to uplift people and help them find their truth, their purpose and passion. This has been a long journey and very rewarding.  Following your own path is not easy but it is the only way to live your soul essence and find satisfaction and inner peace. 

Namaste to you, Lightbearers

I am now offering monthly online meditations for people to connect with their Antahkarana, inner spiritual antenna or rainbow bridge which assists in raising consciousness and bringing more of your soul light into the physical realms, for the benefit of Earth and all beings.   To enquire about a space in these meditations, you can subscribe to my email for updates and monthly blessings.

Love and Light,


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