The art of the vulnerable heart.

Blog June 2024

Earlier this year, during my research into Goddess Mythology and practical applications of this wisdom in our current world, I came across a little-known Hindu Goddess called ‘Akhilanda’ (Her Full Name is Akhilandaeshvari which essentially translates as “”never not broken” or “always broken”, Goddess.) She helps us to find the beauty in our seeming imperfections and to aid us in any transitions we are experiencing, where we may grieve the loss of a situation, or even aspect of self, or an unrealised dream. 

Akhilanda can assist us in becoming more vulnerable so that we can release attachment to our expectations of life and ourselves and turn our suffering into the fuel that fires our transformation into our highest soul aspect. She is the wisdom in remaining witness to any pain within so that gifts can be excavated from it. She encourages us to stop turning away from our fears and to embrace them as teachers.

So, what is the art of vulnerability?   Up to this point, our world has not been very good at honouring the beauty, wisdom and healing inherent in vulnerability. It’s either seen as something to be ashamed of, or it is used a ‘badge” by those who think it’s an opportunity to simply dump all of their emotions and thoughts on others. This is quite a negativity of extremes and not the true essence of vulnerability.

Vulnerability to me, is deep strength and it means being real and present to the situation you are in, it also equals creativity to me.  The artist doesn’t know what the art will be exactly, they are simply expressing a feeling, vision, or idea. They must begin the journey, but they have no map to guide them. Even things that they may have utilised or expressed previously, do not guarantee they know where and how their next artistic expression will come to form.

And so it is with our own individual life path. Vulnerability means giving yourself the chance to “course correct”, if you find that the path you are on (for one reason or another) has dried up in some way for you. You may even be able to see the lessons and blessings in that path, but in order for you to move forward energetically, sometimes you need to move laterally, or even backwards for a time. You must be willing to acknowledge when an ending is occurring for you and not to fear it (too much!).

Personally, the most wonderful things in my life have always come to me unexpectedly and never, ever after careful planning and preparation. In reflection I saw that two of my Blogs from earlier this year have been addressing these themes of vulnerability and endings to allow for new beginnings.

Back in March, I was guided to address this concept in my blog “the cracks are what let in the light”, and just last month I found myself writing about the power of the Phoenix. Big themes that I have worked through personally in order to be able to guide others through now. I find that creatively, I am always lead in spirals and I follow a theme energetically for some time, witnessing patterns emerge within my sessions with clients, my earth healing dedications and my own life and research.

Then there always comes a moment when the particular divine being, who has so obviously been the unseen hand and guide through that particular landscape, will reveal themselves in some way and I have a delightful “a-ha” moment when I connect all of these dots.  Which is exactly what happened with Akhilanda and me sitting down now halfway through the year to write my Blog.

I am sharing this to remind you that we each have this divine support around us, weaving threads for our souls to constantly create anew. Even old situations which arise again, have the seeds of the new and a blessing within them. It takes a personal connection to the Divine and your higher guidance to help you make sense of life, but there’s also quite a lot of joy in this odd creation process! I want to leave you with this blessing –

May you feel inspired by the thought of this phoenix energy, of rising from the ashes of the past and of highlighting the beauty of your pain and the lessons you have learnt. May the Divine perhaps in the form of Goddess Akhilanda support your path in all ways which serve the growth and beauty of your soul.

Love and Light,


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