Discernment and the very personal process of self-realisation.

Blog Apr 2024

The year of the Wood Dragon is continuing to bring in opportunities for new growth and expansion (from the wood element) and also the symbol of the dragon itself, encourages us to embrace our personal power and unique vision, to walk the path of self-mastery which requires us to listen for our own truth. One size doesn’t fit all. Especially when it comes to living your own spiritual path.

One of the downsides to modern life is the easy access to huge amounts of information of all kinds. As human beings we tend to move in quite dramatic pendulum swings as we evolve, so it’s often a case of overload or extremity (many opinions and perspectives abound!) before things settle into a more accepted and balanced form.

The overload or processing stage can be quite loud, messy and tiring but so far, it’s been the way we make progress (and I am always all for actual progress!).  Only twenty years ago you may have found it difficult to discuss your use of crystals or understanding of astrology with others without being considered a bit “out there”. Now, according to your social media feed (and please pause just consider that for a moment; what exactly are you being fed and also how much of your interests can you really digest at one time?)

According to this personalised steam of information, you can hear many, many voices online sharing all manner of spiritual, planetary and astrological information plus much more. This is amazing and needed in many ways, but it can also be overwhelming. (Even if it’s not your feed, the spiritual cat is certainly out of the proverbial bag, baby. Afterall, it’s 2024, not 1994). 

Even though, for example, many astrological events and portals and movements happen annually, we are currently experiencing a, increase in powerful and transformational energies at this particular unprecedented time on earth. So, while it’s extremely helpful to have a measuring stick for these personal and collective happenings, it’s important to ensure you are actually feeling helped and not hindered by the news around such events.

Perhaps the current moon cycle doesn’t affect you in the way it may another. Did you even forget that another mercury retrograde was happening, for example? This may be because your higher guidance is trying to get you the message that you just don’t need to absorb and assimilate every single piece of information.

Controversial? Maybe, but consider how fractured your awareness can become when your attention is split among too many practices, prayers and passions. Could you be creating much support for your own growth and integration process with a little more space and less information from outside sources? Let what you need to know drop into your awareness (or off a bookshelf perhaps! It’s been known to happen for me certainly!). Specificity and unique “soul prescriptive medicine” are important themes right now. Trust that you will be guided to what has resonance for you at any given time. You can also certainly pray for the assistance to align with only that which will best serve your growth at any one time. 

Focus on what is bringing you the most peace and or understanding in each moment. This will change of course and the deeper you walk in your path of self-exploration and service to the light, the more you may find you require more personalised ways to engage with spiritual energy. What works for another may not work for you and this is totally fine and completely natural! Individuation is blossoming within and around us.

This is the precursor to the unfolding unity consciousness we are currently birthing on Earth. True Unity necessitates the need for the empowerment of the individual. As each of us embodies our true essence, our full and glorious multi-dimensional self, we become able to accept others more readily. Space and opportunity is created for people to shine in the way their soul best requires. Rather than a community of individuals being something unworkable (like herding a group of cats), we begin to find resonance in our differences and beauty in the way we can live and create with each other. 

What I would urge you to consider right now (whether you are new to your path or a seasoned traveller of that road, once less travelled, now quite a popular destination) is to be selective and discerning about how much information you take it. Energetically and physically on a cellular level, humanity is being transformed.

We have left behind the old carbon-based structures which had their limitations and are vibing now with a more crystalline frequency.  This crystalline frequency attunes to higher vibrations and for those who feel deeply connected to the star realms (and perhaps wish to return there at times), this new frequency arising in all of us and earth herself, may provide comfort and a sense of deeper belonging to earth and purpose for your life.

It’s been a long time coming, but you simply cannot rush divine timing (and this I know to be true from my own personal experience!).  Moving from one way of being, existing and relating in the world can be very taxing on the human system. You may be finding new parts of yourself coming into your current awareness. in such times it can aid you to “Disconnect to connect”.

Create some space or pockets of time where you can shut out the extra stimulus, the reports, opinions and just be with your breath, with an intention to connect to your own heart field. Those upper chakras are quite busy right now assimilating and integrating both the planetary cosmic collective energies and also your own personal blueprint. 

Let those dragon frequencies of seeking deeper spiritual truth and standing in your true power guide your path as we move closer to the halfway point of this auspicious and unprecedented year on Earth and as always, if you are looking for ways to support your immune system, body and heart and energy fields in this time of great change, you night feel guided to explore my online Esoteric Acupuncture and Light Radiance mentoring sessions.

Love and Light,


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